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   Rediscover Self-Empowerment

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Sacred Space - Books




                                                      Transformation through Self-reflection 


1.- Book Excerpts from "Le Couple Initiatique - Tout mon être aime tout ton être", by Carolji Corbeil and Eric Forgues published in Summer 2006 :

  • First Excerpt (English draft version)

    "The Light can be expressed and integrated in a context of freedom, apart from any dogma, extern authority or concept theory. The Light is not a concept but a living reality. Let us not seek it only through our intellectual skills, but rather with our hearth and faith sensitiveness. The Light is a vibration which is the original source of love consciousness and it is manifested through spontaneous intelligent creativity. There is multiple ways to walk the path towards the Light. However, the Light is omnipresent, the seeker requires to be in a voluntary conscious state of willingness and openness to live its fullest potential." Original French Version - Click Here

  • Second Excerpt (English draft version)

    "In the present transition, more and more souls recognizing each others. They are led to form couples not only through liking affinities, but predominantly through the forceful attraction of readiness to deepen their awakening process within one of the most powerful and evolutionary love relation there is to experience: the couple. The most efficient experiences of true reconnection with the Light are lived through relationships and social interactions. Not only the Light may act as guidance for self-isolated and secluded individuals, but it finds the most dynamic conscious expansionist qualities through relationships within social context. The integration of the light passes by the experiment of the relations (or by the relational experiment with others). The integration of the light aims not only the healing of the physical, emotional and spiritual plans, but it also aims at enabling us to integrate our higher self, the body of light. At this present moment, we are called into becoming beings of light that have the authority and knowledge to harness the full potential of our spirit as a creative and intelligent force. This mastership will reflect into the manifestation of our divine creativeness. The Light is the living source of love consciousness. It composes all parts and encloses each and every being as a whole. Anyone who willingly and consciously opens himself to the presence Light will truly profits from the Source, like the flower profits from the rays of the sun."  Original French Version - Click Here


Our first book will be available in French version in Summer 2006.

To reserve a copy contact us


2.- Book: "Le nouvel âge vu par la presse écrite francophone au Québec", Essai, 296 pages par Éric Forgues, Éditions Fondation littéraire Fleur de Lys, Québec, 2006 : "...Ce livre se présente donc comme un essai qui repose sur un montage personnel des extraits de la presse écrite sur le phénomène nouvel âge. Je ne prétends pas faire œuvre scientifique. Même si l’approche est d’inspiration sociologique, de par ma formation, cet ouvrage découle plutôt d’une analyse personnelle où le regard sociologique croise le regard du simple citoyen. Cela dit, je crois néanmoins que ce montage est représentatif de la lecture qu’a faite la presse du nouvel âge. J’ai pris soin de présenter les différents points de vue présentés par la presse." Click Here 




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      Carolji Corbeil & Eric Forgues                            
Holistic Healing - Reiki - Healing Touch - Reflexology - Rediscover Self-Empowerment                         

                                          489 Marguerite Street, Dieppe (Moncton) , New Brunswick, Canada E1A 7N7  

                                                -  Tel.:  (506) 382-7932   - Contact Us